Our Story

Eureka! Science + Discovery is different; built on the best but unlike anywhere you’ve ever experienced.

Let’s reframe how you see the world around you.

Eureka! Science + Discovery is designed for children and young people up to 14 years to discover how Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) influence and shape their lives. Through connecting the everyday with the extraordinary, we ignite curiosities and present possibilities.

Our Funders

We couldn’t have created Eureka! Science + Discovery without the incredible support of these organisations.

Our Partners

“By boosting engagement with STEM subjects and aspiration in science-based careers, we can open up the world of future possibilities to future generations of scientists & engineers across the region.”

Duncan Clark | Ørsted, Eureka!+ Founding Partners


What can we say about this lot? Over 120 local young people have worked with us and our partners over 3 years to create Eureka! Science + Discovery. What’s inside is a result of their input (yes, a huge cat and numerous glitter balls were a specific requirement).

Shout out to all the funny, fantastic and enthusiastic young people from: