Feb Half Term: Sign Language Saturday!

HYDRO HEROES: Sign Language Saturday!

At Eureka!, we’re committed to making our theatre performances as accessible as possible. As you may have heard, Science Made Simple: ‘It’s Only Water’ is coming to Eureka! Science + Discovery all February half-term long, but we’re excited to announce that on Saturday 22nd February we’re able to offer BSL (British Sign Language) interpretation at EVERY show! 🎉

Quick FAQs:

Q: What is BSL interpretation?

A: A BSL (British Sign Language) Interpreter is someone who translates for people who are D/deaf and uses British Sign Language

Q: Is the BSL interpreter available every day?
A: The BSL interpreter will be with us for one day only, but the show will be running all half-term long!

Q: Can I still go to the show if I’m not D/deaf?

A: Of course you can! Any one can attend a BSL performance, even if they don’t use sign language. Our sign language Saturday’s just opens more doors to those who may not be able to attend Eureka! shows without one.

Q: Is it distracting when there’s a BSL interpreter?

Not distracting in our experience, they’ll generally be stood on the floor in the corner of the stage so shouldn’t impact it much at all. They can be fun to watch, BSL is a very expressive language so they will be conveying the tone and emotion in what people say in their face and body language.

Q: Do I need to book?

We do require a standard Eureka! Booking for entrance however all of our theatre shows are drop in at 11am / 12pm / 1.30pm / 2.30pm / 3:30pm

Don’t miss your chance to catch this unique, accessible performance! We can’t wait to see you there!

Book your February Half Term visit now!
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