Bringing the Eureka! Science + Discovery brand to life has been a crucial part of the project. We’re a vibrant, exciting, and dynamic new visitor attraction, so it makes sense that our brand puts that across for us. Luckily for us, we’ve had the creative vision of some amazing folk working in the field to make sure the branding is spot on.

We’re made up to be working alongside the lovely team at independent branding, creative and web design agency, Playmaker, to bring our brand to life. They’ve supported us with everything from developing our new logo, creating our trademark DNA graphics and are turning their hand to support us with our social media content to ensure everything is on brand. Playmaker has been on board since 2020, and their enthusiasm during that time has been infectious.

We grabbed a cuppa with Playmaker’s founder Craig Graham, to find out more about their involvement in the project and of course their fave bits so far of working with Eureka! Science + Discovery…

Q. Who are you and what do you do?

 A. We are Playmaker and we’re an independent branding, creative direction and web design studio based in Liverpool. We exist to defy the words ‘it can’t be done’ and we pride ourselves on not being tied to certain technologies or methods when delivering creative solutions to support our local and international clients.

Q. How did Playmaker get involved in the Eureka! Science + Discovery process?

 A. Our friend Matt Thomas (a photographer who had worked with Eureka! previously) mentioned Eureka! was looking for a branding studio to work on the new Wirral attraction. With amazing memories from attending Eureka! ourselves as kids, we were really excited at the opportunity to get involved. We pitched and… we only went and won it! A great moment and something we’re proud of.

Q. What made you want to get involved?

A. Lots of reasons! Our own childhood experiences of visiting Eureka! The National Children’s Museum were a big factor, but also the impact this project will have on the Wirral community and the Liverpool City Region as a whole. Plus, we’re always looking for ways to encourage younger generations with opportunities to be creative and ask ‘why’ and ‘what if’ – which is exactly what Eureka! Science + Discovery is all about.

Q. What has been Playmaker’s involvement in the project so far? What have been some of your favourite moments?

 A. Our involvement has spanned over 15 months, including a challenging period for everyone during lockdown. Our highlight has been seeing how everyone involved in the project – from the build team, the HQ team and all partners in-between – interact with a genuine drive and commitment to delivering a world-class attraction.

Q. What has been the best part about getting stuck into the project for you personally/what bit are you most excited for looking forward?

A. It’s a huge privilege for us to be involved in the Eureka! Science + Discovery project in the first place and we believe we have created a vibrant, flexible, and contemporary brand identity. Our main priority was to ensure the branding captured the spirit of the attraction and can be used to share the Eureka! story at various touchpoints. We have some very exciting animations to share over the coming months which we think will elevate things further!

Q. What are you looking forward to when the attraction opens? 

A. Firstly, we’re really excited to see how our branding works in the space, integrating with all the amazing exhibitions, and really capturing the tone we set out to achieve. Secondly and just as importantly, we’re really looking forward to seeing people interacting with and enjoying the attraction – especially using all the elements we have helped create!