Accessibility at Eureka!

Everyone at Eureka! Science + Discovery wants you to have the absolute best day ever. We’re here to help, so if you need anything, just let us know!

🔕 Feeling like you need a break? Just ask any of our friendly staff to point you to our chill out room.

🎒 Need a sensory bag to make your day smoother? You can book one out from the Hub.

⛴️ Our Changing Places facility is conveniently located in the Ferry Terminal.

🌻 Pick up a sunflower lanyard from the Hub to let us know you might need a bit of extra help.

🎧 Ear defenders are available at the Hub too, to keep things nice and quiet.

♿ If you need a wheelchair, we’ve got one you can borrow. Just ask!

❤️ Our staff are fully trained and ready to assist you. Enjoy your day, and remember, we’re here to make it amazing!

If there’s anything else we can do to help, please just speak to a member of staff!

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